With the release date of all the Love's Landscapes stories soon upon us, I thought I'd take the time to write a quick blog post my story this year.
Carte Blanche is a short story, around 20k, that I wrote based on a wonderful prompt that was posted as part of this year's M/M Romance Group's Love's Landscapes event. This will be my first year participating, and hopefully not the last.
I was lucky enough to snag a wonderful prompt and picture early in the event. A link to the prompt and picture can be found here.
Amanda wrote a fantastic prompt that instantly gave me a clear idea of the exact story I would be writing. She also gave the lucky writer a lot of liberal freedom with this prompt, which I was particularly grateful for.
I've also created a Pinterest board for this short story. The Pinterest board can be found here.
Working with the MMRG team was a great experience all on its own. I was fortunate enough to have the magnificent Raevyn as my editor, and countless feedback and help from the beta readers and proof reading team. I'm sure all the authors for this event have nothing but gratitude for their team.
I'd also like to give a thanks to my wonderful beta readers and friends. I couldn't get through any of this without their feedback and support.
Participating in this event and interacting with the community has been nothing short of wonderful, and I'm already looking forward to reading many of the Love's Landscapes stories!
- Nash
Thursday, 29 May 2014
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The M/M Romance group has a yearly writing event where readers and authors submit prompts with a picture and a "Dear author" le...
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With the release date of all the Love's Landscapes stories soon upon us, I thought I'd take the time to write a quick blog post my...
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