Thursday, 6 March 2014

Goodread's M/M Romance Group's Love's Landscapes

The M/M Romance group has a yearly writing event where readers and authors submit prompts with a picture and a "Dear author" letter into the mod's for the group, and the mod's post them in intervals for authors to snag!
It's great fun (so far, seeing as this is my first year participating) and it's great exposure for new authors.
I myself was lucky enough to snag a great prompt and picture that I have my complete outline written for already. I'm very excited to start working on this project and get all my ideas down in writing.
Authors have approximately 2 months to complete the story and can be any length they chose, already the mod's have stated that most in previous years have been around 17k.

You can check out the prompt that I've selected here:

Wish me luck!

- Nash

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